Dramatic Context
Georgia Brown
Tutorial Sheets | Discussions and Changes:

All complete. I am not using acrylic on my model and feel it is un necessary testing it on his face. I will use fx paints and water based paints on my final make up.

Feedback sheet from my formative assessment. Assessor: Carolyne Hinds
I didnt have the postiche ready for applicaton and my model didnt look as pale/ grey as the sitter. I need to create a marbled effect with the paint and I will use water based paints to acheive this.
Advice from Tutor:
Pete advice: Pro clean softens the glue and de tacks it slowly. Used for removing prosthetic pieces with prosaide or other glues. Use pigment to colour silicone pieces rather than foundations, pigments and flock will be a better match for skin tones. Pigments are designed to colour silicone and are more concentrated. You cannot guarantee that foundations will work to colour pieces.