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Drawn Designs  |  Understanding Differences:


Overlaying Images: 

Formative Assessment: Design

The Highlighted areas indicate where I will be applying prosthetics and postiche to my models face. I have deliverately highlighted them using different colours. The dotted lines indicate my models natural face shape and the sharp lines represent the sitter and changes I will need to make. 

Orange, Red and Blue: I will be applying flat pieces to the three highlighted areas. I want to falsify a rounded cheek with a flat piece, taking the attention away from my models cheek bones and making his face appear fuller. The under eye bags and brow pieces arent to age my model but to make him look tired and overworked. Because the sitter doesnt necessarily look old (he is in his mid to late 20's) but he looks ill almost, stern. He was a general and it reflects in the painting. 


Green: Closed Mould prosthetic made from silicone. I have chosen to try a silicone nose because I would like the prosthetics all to be made from the same material, this way when I come to apply paint they will pick up pigmentation the same and compliment eachother.


I will be applying a beard and a moustache in the highlighted areas and the fine lines on his cheek and sideburns represent hair that I will be laying on after the postiche application. 




Refined Design: Final

The dotted lines indicate where I will be applying the prosthetics. After my formative assessment and feedback reflection I have decided to remove the cheek piece from my design. It isnt necessary and didnt change my models face shape enough to waste material, the same look can be acheived using paints.


-I will keep the beard and moustache the same and again lay on hair around the cheeks and sideburns to tie the hair together.



-After trial and testing silicone and gelatine for the nose piece I have decided to use gelatine. The material is more translucent and therefore blends into the models skin tone perfectly. I also want to show a variation in materials on the models face rather than uning one set material. I will need to spray the gelatine on the interior and exterioer with fixing spray (to avoid any pigment soaking into the material and to ensure it adheres to the prosaide on the interior) 


-The eyebrow pieces and eyebags will be left as they are, I was happy with their subtle appearance and blendable edges. 


Ageing Face: Finding and defining lines. 

After studieing family photographs and looking into the effects of sun exposure on the skin- relating these factors to my portrail and skin... I mapped out where I believe I will age in areas of my face. I also looked at my expression lines and where I will develop premature folds from laughter and sun exposure. 

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