Dramatic Context
Georgia Brown

I found the formative assessment overall very stressful, I wasnt prepared for the make up application and I had only cast one silicone nose which ripped when I attempted to remove it from the negative mould. I wanted to fit the prosthetic regardless to check the shape and size was accurate to the sitters (St. Nicholas Poyntz). Although I wouldnt use the technique in my summotive assessment, I used a CaboSile and Prosaide mix as a filler for the holes in the prosthetic. This technique was very time consuming and forced me to rush the paint job, finishing it in fifteen minutes. I will need to manage my time for the summotive assessment, I will break the application down into three sections; application of prosthetics (one hour), application of make up (one hour) and applying facial postiche (30 minutes). If I manage my time it will release a lot of pressure on the assessment and make the whole experience more enjoyeable for myself and my model. I applied cheek pieces which I dont think are necessary. They didnt change the shape of my models face enough to make a statement and the materials will be wasted because I can create the desired (flat cheek) look with paints alone. I will not use the cheek prosthetics for the final assessment. The under eyebags and brow pieces were subtle but effective. I didnt want to age my model as such, more emphasise tiredness with a stern gesture. I used water based paints for the make up application.
The paints were effective. However, the colouring and texture on the skin was in accurate and didnt reflect the sitters complection. I need to study the portrait of the sitter during the final assessment and continue mixing colours and texture up until that point, until I am satisfied with the accuracy.