Dramatic Context
Georgia Brown
Examples of specialist prosthetic make up effects in industry. Focusing on the design and application of prosthetics to maniupulate or disguise an actors face:

MAKE-UP ARTIST. (2014). Make-Up Artist Magazine. Issue 108. U.S.: Michael Key. Page 60.
MakeUp and Hair designer:
Frances Hannon
Asked actors to grow full facial hair so that he could cut it into any shape that he wanted. 'Ralph Fiennes postiche was preened to the highest of perfection'.
Turning Swinton into Madame D. Completely covered and had to be turned into her 80's.. Prosthetics added;Stretch and stippling around the eyes, nose pieces, a forehead, earlobes, cheeks, chin, neck lower lip and arm appliances.
"We did a gelatine nose and a nose plug""adding some bondo scars"

Above and Below: Debreceni, T. (2013). Special make up effects for stage and screen: making and applying prosthetics. 2nd Edition. 70 Blanchard Rd Suite 402 Burlington, MA 01803. Focal Press.
The circumoral striae may cross over the vermillion border of the lips, ears appear to get larger, and wrinkles appear in front of the tragus. The jawline is very soft, and tissues under the neck sag.
All of the aforementioned lines become more pronounced and defined, accompanied by a marked loss of elasticity of the skin and sagging tissue.
Useful Tip: When you are creating transverse frontal lines, they cant exist beyond the natural hairline, because they correspond to the perpendicular vertical pull of the frontalis muscle, which stops very near the hairline in most people.
Vincent Van Dyke age makeup applied by Thom Floutz.

The joker's upper lip, chin, left cheek, right cheek, nose and forehead.
Super skin texture by Vincent Van Dyke.
Steve Wang: One of the most respected make up designers in the world, designer, sculpter, painter and supervisor.
Delemar, P. (1994). The Complete Make Up Artist: Working in Film, Fashion, Television and Theatre. 2nd Edition. Cengage Learning Vocational.

"The lines onthe face will reflect the persons character and temperament. There is a difference between the illnesses or bad temper."
"As we get older our flesh becomes looser and the face starts to drop. In ageing makeup, therefore, you need to put in the shadows that normally you would be trying to conceal, adding bags under the eyes, lines from the nose to the mouth, etc."
Aging Make-Up | Specialist Techniques

Corson, R. (1970). STAGE MAKEUP. 6th Edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632. Prentice-Hall: INC.
Foam Latex Closed Mould:
Necessary to use two moulds- a negative and a positive- instead of the one open mould used with liquid latex.
When the two moulds are fixed together, the space between will correspond together precisely to the clay addition that has been built up on the plaster cast.
Images of Dick smith sculpting a clay model for half of a latex mask. And modelling the back of the head on a plaster section of the models head. Notice he is holding a life size anatomy skull next to the sculpt for precision in his work.
The sculpt will be broken down into 8 parts: brow, nose, upper lip, eyelids, bags, lower lip and chin, and sides of face and neck.

Make Up department head: Bernadette Mazure & Mandy Lyons as hair department head.
Mike Marino's team at Prosthetic Renaissance. Ben Stillers character ages sevral decades. Spoof of Benjamin Button.
I made ice particles from Cab-O-Sil and methocel, and dusted sugar into his beard to look like ice.
- Neck: 3 piece mould- one piece negative, two part positive core that opens from top to bottom.
- In his 80's ben stiller has on a: Neck piece, two cheeks, chin, upper lip, eyelids, forehead, earlobes, back of the neck, a bald head and the top of the earlobes and the sides of the ears.
- Kristen in her 80's has on: white hair, a neck, chin, upper lip, cheeks, eyebags and earlobes.
MAKE-UP ARTIST. (2014). Make-Up Artist Magazine. Issue 106. U.S.: Michael Key. Pages 62 and 63.

Damian Martin, Johansen and Gina Rinehart make up look.
Marla Dusseldorp in different stages of age make up.
Odd Studios: Reputation in realistic make-ups an costume/props/ effects.
Challenge was to create unhealthy-looking versions of six actors. Each doppelganger had to pale in comparison to the original.
"Scenarios ranged from weight gain to damages skin from too much sun or smoking."
"Subtle level of realism" "The makeups played a huge part in delivering the story"