Dramatic Context
Georgia Brown
Nutrition and Lifestyle | Professional Advice: Nurtitionist

Daley, M. (markd@westhants.co.uk). 28 october 2014. Nutrition report. Email to G. Brown. (georgiabrown93@live.com)

I seeked out advice about my current lifestyle and diet and the combined effects they will have on my body as I age. The above is a response email from a professional sports consultant and nutritionist 'Mark Daley' from the West Hants Tennis Club in Bournemouth.

Davis, G. and Hall, M. (2008). THE MAKE UP ARTIST HANDBOOK. Burlington, USA. Focal Press: Elsevier Inc. Below: page 101

Sun Exposure | Damages
Useful information I found on the effects of UVA and UVB rays, how they penetrate the skins surface and how they directly effect different skin types. I use the sunbeds in frequently and I am exposed to natural sunlight for long periods, this information was very informative and broadened my knowledge on the subject, touching on areas I was uneducated in (i.e. sunblock protection, solar radiation in relation to skin colour and Vitamin D facts). "Effects from pollution UVR are minimal at 1-5 percent, hitting the earths surface UVB"Below... The environmental factors and pollution in the North of England wouldnt effect my aging process necessarily at only 1-5 percent. Exposure to sun without protection and UV rays from subeds would effect my skin directly 20 years later "Advice from Mark Daley".
Jablonski, N, G. (2012). Living Color: Biological and social meaning of skin color. London, England. University of Calafornia Press. Images: above right and left.

"rich in Vitamin D... Fish oils and oily fish like mackerel and sardines"
"Not all Vitamin D supplements are equally effective in raising the level of Vitamin D circulating in the blood"
"When exposed to UVB over the entire surface of the body for ten to fifteen minutes, a lightly pigmented person can produce and release into the bloodstream 10,000-20,000 IU of Vitamin D"

Debreceni, T. (2013). Special make up effects for stage and screen: making and applying prosthetics. 2nd Edition. 70 Blanchard Rd Suite 402 Burlington, MA 01803. Focal Press.
On the images above of myself using sunbeds you can clearly see I have age spots at an early age. They represent exposure to the sun and increase in pigmentation. "they commonly begin to appear after the age of 40", where as I have small age spots and discolouration now, at the age of 21. This potentially means that if I dont begin to protect myself against the harsh UV rays then I will age quicker than I would naturally. I have stopped using sunbeds since reading the above texts.
"Often accompanied by other signs of sun damage, including deep wrinkles; dry, rough skin; fine red veins on cheeks, nose and ears; and thinner, more translucent-looking skin."
Expert Advice | Marie Claire

Fine Lines +2
Crows Feet +5
Age Spots +5
Age 21
/2 + 5= 15.5
Skin Age= 27.5
My skin age is older than I am by 6.5 years, quite dramatically older. Marie Claires expert advice to prevent my skin aging and keep it looking radiant: "To prevent further sun damage, opt for a good day cream... At night, a potent vitamin A cream" "Drinking plenty of water and getting more sleep... will instantly make your skin look more radiant"
Marie Claire. (2014). Smart Beauty: 45 Page Extra. United Kingdom. IPC Media.
"Problems arrive when inflammation settles in for the long haul. Chronic inflammation, which can be caused by stress, leads to wrinkles and collagen degradation"
DNA Fraying:
"Sun exposure... stress aside, the typical signs of ageing... are down to out telomeres. These are the caps at the end of chromosomes that prevent DNA from 'fraying'... They shorten with age... Causes the skin to mature"
Protein Protection:
"Two key youth proteins - Sirtuin 1 and p63 - surround skin cells and keep them fully operational, producing healthy supplies of collagen and elastin, which keep skin plump"
Marie Claire. (2014). Smart Beauty: 45 Page Extra. United Kingdom. IPC Media.
Diet | Nutrition Continued

Foods I typically eat and their nutritional values.
All of the below images: Factsoffood. (2014) Instagram [mobile app] [Accessed 10 October 2014]
A typical evening meal:
Spinach, Kale, Romanian Lettuce, Avocado, Mixed peppers, Tomatos, Garlic and Turkey mince.
Spinach, Frozen banana and almond milk smoothie.

Long and Short Term effects of Sun exposure. (2010) Long and short term effects of sun exposure. [online] Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPWO7C2rCWg. [Accessed 28 November 2014]
Dr. Prodigious. (2012) Effect of Sun on Skin - Sun tanning, Melanin, Vitamin D, Ageing, UV Rays, Cancer. [online]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS0tzhDAAFo. [Accessed 27 November 2014]
UVA and UVB rays damage skin, age it prematurely and increase risk of skin cancer.
Sun damage is one of the largest contributors to aging skin, causing 90 percent of wrinkles.
It takes 20 to 30 years to see the effects of sun damage.
UVA is the most damaging to under lying skin cells and activating the premature ageing process.
UVB is the main cause of sunburn and tanning.