Dramatic Context
Georgia Brown
Digital Implications | Photoshop:

Before and after photographs of myself, edited in photoshop using the liquify tool and the blurr tool. I also cropped in falselips from a model on the internet and rubbed out the sharp outline, sitting them on top of my own lips.
Dont overwork images, risk them looking animated or cgi'd. Photoshopping julian lee seigor: Amping up the colours on adverts promotes the products Clone tool: grabs an area and allows you to paste it anywhere on the image.
SRT Photoshop Tutorials. (2014). Photoshop Tutorial - Half woman | Half animal HD Photo Effects. [online]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAeSGAoFLTE. [Accessed 15 October 2014].
Dodge tool: makes areas of the image lighter
Burn tool: darkens any areas
Blurr tool: blurs out any edges
Layers: layers are like sheets of acetate, applying anything to a layer wont effect your original image
Liquify: warp tools to alter and subtly change areas of the face

Kitchen advert: falling fruit, colour enhancement all cgi.. Would it be easier or less time consuming to film the real scenario? Skyline view ob photograph and ink blots are real.
Make up design of tomorrow: from the beginning: Gait analysis: four infa red transmitters attached to person and the movement is recorded from all angles and then an analysis is made. Similar technology is used within sports- motion captured and critically analysed for improvements.
CGI in film: a potted history; Westworld 1973 Young sherlock holmes 1985 Into the abyss The mask- first film to blend cgi with real human characters King kong Sin city 2005 Fantastic four 2007 Technology has been slowly developing, looking at those films the water in into the abyss is a photographed face cgid. The mask cutting out and replacing the head jim carrey. This effects: -makeup -costume -acting -creature fx -set building -props -etc....
Advances in digital makeup: MoCap (motion capture) and PerCap (performance capture)- facial movement is captured.. Fluorescent make up is used, 6 mill dots are put on actors face and captured in high definition Through a computer. No gaps and no flaws. The computer will then put together a 3d model, overall a digital copy of the model is presented on the screen. Harry potter is a key example of cgi being used live on set, the cgi moves seamlessly with the actors on set. Davie Jones done in z brush on pirates if the Caribbean... Full CGI no make up.
Live digitalmake up: Cgi is being used on catwalk models. OMOTE- real time face tracking: live digital make up. Kinu Been used on catwalk models currently: look up for blog!
Pro tip: find digital blogs on youtube and look at digital practitioners... Collaborate with the digital department, work with the developing times rather than against. Digital Characters involve golum, lord of the rings, king kong and tin tin. All played by andy sircis, one actor. Tools of the trade and advances in tech: z brush, mya, photoshop etc. GRIMM: morphing cgi faces onto actors on set. Seamless visiual effrct enhance the beauty renders.