Dramatic Context
Georgia Brown
Summative Assessment | Reflection, Evaluation:

Unfortunately I was unable to finish my assessment due to my model fainting after the application of the closed mould prosthetic (Nose) I will photograph critically analyse my make up techniques throughout the project and assessment once I have completed it. The above are the only photographs I have of the gelatine nose piece, which adhered to the skin flawlessly. I was happy with the colour match before paint, It was an exact match to my models skin tone. I managed to acheive this through practising skin tones and matching my models foundation/skin colour. I analysed the colours and reflected on how Id gain a similar match using pigments. All of the colour practise and technique can be found on the make-up practise page under portrait, where I have reflected on different materials and colour.
Above: Two process and transformation videos of the make-up in the summotive assessments. Filmed by Sam Cisse from the Arts University Bournemouth.

Final Photographs | In Context: