Dramatic Context
Georgia Brown
Expression Lines | Finding Wrinkles

The Fairburn System Of Visual Reference. (1979). The Fairburn System of Visual References: Fairburn Heads, Set 2 Book 2 (Female). Salisbury Square, London: Fairburn Publications Limited.
Unvaliable figure referencing books, essential for professionals and the images show the human form in all angles, they depict a precise, graphic representations for figure reference. Figures throughout the book are captured from common viewpoints for increased accurate referencing material.

Facial expression helps to pick out and define wrinkles and folds in the face, pulling different expressions is a good way of educating yourself with anatomy and muscle movement. The images shown are all good indications of how the differing women will age.Where their perminent folds sit define repetative muscle movement in that particular area of the face.
Permanent frown lines from squinting or expression over years.
Deep Nasolabial folds which look to be perminent on the face.
Jowels from old age and deep nasolabial folds on all four of these images.
Crows feet from aging, could also be from squinting with bad eyesight or laughter lines.
Inspiration | Expression Lines

The Fairburn book inspired me to seek out my wrinkle lines to depict exactly how I'd age. The results were as expected with crows feet and slight nasolabial folds. However, I found other lines in the process. I wasnt aware of the elasticity in my forehead or the fat pocket underneath my chin. Both will sag/ become noticeably stronger as I age, along side the crows feet and development in the nasolabial folds.
By frowning I noticed a slight wrinkling in my brow, creating vertical glabellar lines which crossed over a transverse nasal line. Although the lines were prominent in the expression I dont think they will develop as perminent folds as I age. I do not pull the expression enough to develop permanent lines in the brow area.
With my next expression I saw faint lines in my buccomandibular grooves, where my dimples would normally sit. The nasolabial folds were promanent and pertruding forwards and my cheeks looked sallow (purely because of the expression being made).
The transverse frontal lines running across my forehead shocked me, I wasnt aware they could be so distinctive with expression and I may develop permanent (faint) transverse frontal lines with age.
If I pushed my chin right back into my neck I developed a fat pocket underneath my chin. This will definitely sag as my skin loses elastaine with age and my jowls will begin to develop.
When I smile I have instant crows feet around my eyes. Also known as (Lateral orbital lines) and looking at my family photographs for reference, they are a feature which will become permanent on my face with no expression, unavoidable with age and genetics.
I can also see that the inferior orbital grooves are sunken and they will contribute towards my eyes ageing along side crows feet.